Our Focus Is Accident Prevention

OSHA and MSHA are our standards for workplace safety

We employ full-time safety specialists who evaluate every project and location where we work to ensure that safety is always the top priority. Our accident frequency rates are among the lowest in the industry.

2022-2023 Experience Modification Factor–0.82

2021-2022 Experience Modification Factor–0.82

2020-2021 Experience Modification Factor–0.77

We use a documented safety program that is actively updated as new requirements evolve throughout the year. We also conduct over 4,000 hours of safety-specific training each year. The components of our safety program are driven by the diversity of our projects as well as customer-specific requirements. The basics of our program include:

  • AerialLift / Forklift / Confined Space / Fall protection / Line Breaking
  • Rigging / Basic Electrical Safety / Lock Out-Tag Out / Fire Watch
  • Hearing conservation / protection / MSHA New / Experience Miner Training
  • OSHA 10 and 30 Hour Construction Safety
  • Scaffolding Safety / Site specific PSM training
  • Respirator Use /Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Hazard Communication

We conduct multi-panel drug screenings and 10-year background checks as a standard for employment.

Our staff carry CCS cards which are renewed annually. We also employ TAPPISAFE and PowerSafetraining. We do everything in our power to prevent and eliminate hazards and risks, thereby reducing injury potential for everyone.


Power Generation Services


Industrial Services